Sunday, August 25, 2013

Everybody Hurts Sometimes

Bum Phillips once said: “There are two types of coaches in the NFL; them that have been fired and them that are gonna be fired.”

And we might say that our lesson this morning reminds us that there are two types of people in the world; those who’ve been hurt and those who will be hurt.

We can’t escape it.  We can’t avoid it. At some time or another all of us get hurt.  Being a Christian doesn’t exempt us from it.

What being a Christian does give us, however, is the ability to hope even in the midst of our hurting.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Running the Race Well

This cloud of witnesses are the saints who inspire us and encourage us to faithfully run the race set before us.

They whisper in our ears when we grow discouraged or when we feel like we can’t endure another day –
They inspire us to fight the good fight and finish the race well.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Selling Out for Christ

Sometimes there are parts of scripture that we’d rather not hear, and today’s lesson is one of those.

Sure, we’re glad to hear the first part; where Jesus tells us that the Father has chosen to give us the kingdom, but the second part?! Well, that’s another story.

Jesus can’t be serious when he tells us we need to sell our possessions and give all our money away? Can he?!

Well, he is .... and it isn’t.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Fool and His Money

The Rich Fool's problem is that he doesn't recognize the source of his blessing, and as a result he puts his trust in the blessing rather than in the One who blesses.

We, too, must admit that at times we measure our worth by the abundance of our possessions, rather than in the true wealth given to us by God in Christ Jesus.