Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Meet Our Partners

Clarence & Evelyn Petrowsky, 

Grace Lutheran Church

This week we meet Clarence and Evelyn Petrowsky from Grace Lutheran Church. I hope you enjoy this opportunity to get to know them better.


What’s your favorite food? 
Evelyn: Ice cream 
Clarence: All kinds; Evelyn is a great cook! Perhaps fried potatoes!

And your favorite drink? 
Evelyn: Coffee
Clarence: Coffee

Do you have a favorite movie? 
Evelyn: It's a Wonderful Life with James Stewart and Donna Reed
Clarence: Fiddler on the Roof

What about your favorite color? 
Evelyn: All bright colors - blue, green & red
Clarence: Blue

What are your favorite songs?
Evelyn: Old Man River
Clarence: Sibelius, Be Still My Soul

I love that hymn, as well. How about your favorite sports teams?
Evelyn: OU
Clarence: OU football

How long have you been a member of Grace? 
We've both been members since the beginning of Grace

Tell me about your childhood.  Where did you grow up? brothers and sisters? schools? etc. 
Evelyn: I grew up in central Kansas near Bashton on a farm. I had 3 brothers & 3 sisters. I only have one remaining sister.

Clarence:  On a farm in SW Kansas.  Four brothers & five sisters. Attended Kingdom Public Schools, Washburn College; OU graduate school.

What are some of your hobbies?
Evelyn: Reading, sewing, knitting and quilting. I love to work outside in my flowers & with my fish pond.

Clarence: Reading, traveling, computers

How do you spend your days? 
Evelyn: I am retired so I spend most of my time doing my hobbies and, of course, watching TV.

Clarence: Reading, watching TV, on internet.  Keeping up with news, help with house chores.

Tell me about your family. Go on, brag a little!
Evelyn: We have five wonderful children - one son & 4 daughters. We lost one daughter due to a congenital heart defect. Marc is the oldest, Debbie, Kathy, Susan & Tamara.

Clarence: Five wonderful children: Marc, a university professor; Debra, RN; Kathy, clinical psychologist; Susan, physical therapist; Tamara, speech & language pathologist. Five great grand-children: Matthew, physical chemist; Tommy, Capt. USAF; Niki, horsewoman, Makena, college student; Haddie Grace, private school student.

You certainly have a very accomplished family! What is the best church event you ever attended (e.g. picnic, potluck, worship, etc)?  
Where was it and what made it so special?
Evelyn: Our 20th anniversary celebration here at Grace. It was special to me having some of our former members & pastors to return to help us celebrate.

Clarence: The fifth Sunday service & fellowship at Bessie was a great experience. It had everything!

Tell me about your fondest or most meaningful memory of an encounter you had with another Christian/s (e.g. parent, child, Sunday school teacher, pastor, friend, etc.)?
Evelyn: I think I would say my parents. They were always encouraging us in our Christian education and how important it was to be part of a Christian church family.

What do you hope will come of the faith partnership between our three congregations?
Evelyn: My hope is that our partnership will flourish. If we all work together and become better friends I think it will.

Clarence: That it will be successful.

If you could do anything you wanted to do (job, travel, etc.) what would it be? 
Evelyn: At our stage of life, we're content to just sit back & relax. We've done a lot of traveling - to California, Florida & the Keys, Hawaii & many states and Europe.

Clarence: Travel around the world.

What's your favorite bible passage and why?
Evelyn: John 3:16 - we memorized many bible verses in confirmation and it's always been my favorite. The Twenty-third Psalm is very special, too.

Clarence: 23rd Psalm

What’s the one question I didn’t ask that you wish I had? What is your closest moment with God
Clarence: What book/s have you read lately?

What’s your answer?
Charles Krauthammer, Things that Matter

Thanks Clarence & Evelyn! Make sure to tell the Petrowsky hello the next time you see them, and let them know you read about them in Meet Our Partners!

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