Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Father's Love

How did we become sons and daughters of God?
The short answer is because God said so.

Just like in creation God said, “Let there be light” and there was light, so it was in the waters of our baptism that God said, “You are my beloved child,” and sure enough we were made his beloved daughter or son.

It was nothing we did.  And so the ability we have to call God, Father, is a pure gift; the gracious work of God.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pray Without Ceasing

The contrasts between the judge and God are many. The judge doesn't care about justice. God does
The judge is self-centered and only cares about himself.  Whereas God is self-less and his primary care is us.

What may not be so obvious, is the contrast to be made between the widow and us.  But there’s one very important difference between us and the widow.  She had a case.  We don't.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

"Your Faith Has Saved You"

Our gospel this morning contains several important lessons; any one of which could fill a sermon.
There’s the lesson about being faithful in doing what the Lord has given us to do.

As well as the lesson about the importance of giving thanks to God for using all the blessings he gives us
And finally, there’s the lesson of salvation; and more specifically about how we are saved through faith.