Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Here is God for You

Tonight, we look again to the manger and rejoice in the goodness and love of God revealed to us there.  We give glory to the God who came to us wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in the manger.

And we also give glory to the God who comes to us again this night wrapped in the humble trappings of bread and wine of Holy Communion.  Here in these things is God’s peace on earth. Here is his good will toward all. Here is the gift of salvation. Here is God for you.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

An Unexpected Journey

The story of Joseph shows us that an ordinary man can be used by God in extraordinary ways, when that man remains faithful and trusts God in the midst of the most difficult times.

Perhaps you can relate to Joseph’s story a bit. Maybe your life’s been turned upside-down by unexpected events, or maybe God’s taken you on a journey in life that you didn’t expect; be it a physical journey, or a spiritual journey, or both.

And maybe while you were on that journey God was able to use you in an extraordinary way.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Check Your Blind Spot

In our gospel lesson this morning, Jesus is exhorting not to miss out on our relationship with him.
And yet, it’s easy for us to lose sight of him and allow him slip into our blind spot.

Just as folks did back in Noah’s day, we tend to get consumed with the busyness of life and the worries over this and that. And so we it’s possible for us to forget to notice that while all these other things are going on, Jesus is right here with us hidden in our blind spot.