Monday, April 14, 2014

Meet Our Partners

Kermet & Nancy Sheppard, 

Peace Lutheran Church

This week we meet Kermet & Nancy Sheppard from Peace Lutheran Church. I hope you enjoy this opportunity to get to know them better.


What’s your favorite food? 
Nancy: Hamburgers 
Kermet: Steak

And favorite drink? 
Nancy: Unsweetened tea 
Kermet: Anything cold

What kind of movies do you like? 
Nancy: Any old black and white 
Kermet: Any Western

Do you have a favorite color? 
Nancy: Blue 
Kermet: Red

And what about a favorite song or hymn? 
Nancy: Jesus Loves Me 
Kermet: The Old Rugged Cross

Do you have any favorite sports teams? 

Both: Green Bay Packers, Atlanta Braves, OKC Thunder, Clinton Red Tornadoes

How long have you been members of Peace? 
Nancy: All my Life 
Kermet: 14 years

Tell me about your childhood. Where did you grow up? brothers and sisters? schools? etc.
Nancy: I have 2 older sisters and a younger deceased brother. I was born in Clinton and grew up 1 ½ miles east of Peace Lutheran Church, Bessie. I attended Bessie Grade School until the 8th grade, graduated high school from Cordell and attended SWOSU.

Kermet: I grew up on a 160 acre farm at Calvin, Ok. I have 2 older sisters and 2 older brothers. I was the first of my family to obtain a college degree

What are some of your hobbies? 
Kermet: Oh my!! I have so many. I enjoy boating, traveling, sports, mechanics, welding, carpentry- anything that can be done outside( although I do not like to paint)

Nancy: Spending time with Kermet and family, crossword and jigsaw puzzles, painting large wooden yard decorations for the holidays, going to garage sales, sitting in my easy chair watching Mother Nature out the back door

How do you spend your days?
Kermet: I usually start my day off with a cup of coffee, then hot tub for a while. Every day is different from that point on. I might go to my shop, help Nancy on a project, help Dax at the farm, or pickup a granddaughter from school .

Nancy: Mornings are spent doing household chores or going to garage sales. Some days I get a text from the grand-daughters wanting lunch delivered to the school. Afternoons are varied with my hobbies. Evenings are spent going to grandkids events or watching sports on TV. I am blessed to have a husband who lets me control the remote.

Tell me about your family. Go on, brag a little!
Nancy has a son, Dax, who lives on the family farm and works for ODOT. He has two daughters, Dasha and Daci. Kermet has two children, Adam, who lives in Yukon, works at OU Medical Center as a nurse anesthetist, is married and has two sons, Colby and Conner. His daughter, Heather, lives in Clinton, works for Farm Rail and has a daughter, Bree Lyn.

What is the best church event you ever attended (e.g. picnic, potluck, worship, etc)?
Where was it and what made it so special? 
Kermet: Outdoor Easter Service at Peace. Also, when I was young, my church at the time would have a Brush Arbor Revival for a week.

Nancy: Christmas Eve services. As a child, the church was full with people standing around the walls. It was and still is a time when families come together to share the news of our Lord’s birth.

Tell me about your fondest or most meaningful memory of an encounter you had with another Christian/s (e.g. parent, child, Sunday school teacher, pastor, friend, etc.)?
Kermet: I just enjoy being around the people of my church

Nancy: Random reminders of the Lord:
A card signed, love & prayers, a clerk saying, have a blessed day, a friend telling me, I love you and God does too, My son telling me, I’m so blessed to have you as a mom, A friend calling to discuss a Bible verse she read, Kermet repeatedly saying how blessed we are.

What do you hope will come of the faith partnership between our three congregations?
Kermet: I hope our partnership is successful
Nancy: I hope all three churches will grow spiritually and each person individually by sharing God’s love for us

If you could do anything you wanted to do (job, travel ,etc.) what would it be?
Kermet: I already do the things I want to do. The Lord has blessed me. I am seldom bored and if I was, Nancy can always find something for me to do.

Nancy: I’d visit all the MLB stadiums the Braves play in. We have already been to several and some of them more than once. We’d visit more but I won’t fly.

What's your favorite bible passage any why?
Kermet: John 3:16- (What more needs to be said)

Nancy: Found in Luke 11:2. THY WILL BE DONE.
My brother died at the age of 48 of a sudden massive heart attack. I simply could not understand why - WHY? My church attendance dropped, my prayers all but stopped and I just could not understand why. One day as I was saying (and I mean saying not praying) the Lord’s Prayer, it was like those 4 words were glowing neon bright. Thy will be done, it was as simple as that. They are on our tombstone and will be part of my life always.

What’s the one question I didn’t ask that you wish I had?
What’s your answer?
Kermet: Why do you go to church?
I go to strengthen my relationship with God. Humans are such strange people. Everyone goes to church for their own reasons and I find it interesting that people will ask God for forgiveness of their sins but are not able/willing to forgive their friends/ neighbors’ sins/trespasses.

Nancy: What is your favorite part of the church service?
The Lords Prayer. I still remember from Confirmation Class Rev. Fulgrabe going over the prayer sentence by sentence, almost word by word, explaining it to us and it made me realize then and now how very special this prayer is.

I’ll be interviewing someone else like this next. What is one question I should ask them?
Nancy: What is your favorite Bible story and why?


Thanks Kermet & Nancy! Make sure to tell the Sheppards hello the next time you see them, and let them know you read about them in Meet Our Partners!

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