Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet Our Partners

Jayden Evans, 

Peace Lutheran Church

This week we're meeting with Jayden Evans from Peace Lutheran Church. Jayden is a freshman at SWOSU, and serves as the Peer Minister for the Lutheran Campus Ministry.  Enjoy!
Jayden Evans

So let's start with the quick response ones we do each week. What's your favorite food?   

And your favorite drink?  

What movie do you consider to be your favorite? 
Ender’s Game

And your favorite color?  

As a musician, I'm sure you have a favorite song, right?  
“Gone, Gone, Gone” – Phillip Phillips

And how about a favorite sport’s team?  
New York Jets

How long have you been a member of Peace? 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Gone Fishin'

The author of A River Runs Through It wasn't the first person to compare fishing with religion. 
In today’s gospel reading, Jesus does the same thing when he invites Andrew and Peter and James and John to, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.”

This simple invitation began a remarkable transformation, not only in these four men, but in the entire world.

Because like cells dividing, these four soon became 12, and the 12 became hundreds, and the hundreds became thousands, and thousands became millions and billions.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Meet Our Partners

Marty and Lisa Wandrie, 

Trinity Lutheran Church

This week we're meeting with Marty and Lisa Wandrie from Trinity Lutheran Church.
Please enjoy this opportunity to get to know the Wandries a little better.
The Wandrie Family

So let's start with some easy ones.  What are your favorite foods?   
Marty: Steak
Lisa: Mexican 

And your favorite drinks?  
Marty: Dr Pepper
Lisa: Diet Dr. Pepper

What movies do you each like? 
Marty: Tombstone
Lisa: Harry Potter Movies

Which is your favorite color?  
Marty: Maroon
Lisa: Red

Do each of you have a favorite song?  
Marty: "Ain't that a kick in the head" by Dean Martin
Lisa: "Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5

And how about a favorite sport’s team?  
Well, our Family is very sports oriented, so this is a long answer.
NFL: Chiefs
NBA: OKC Thunder
College Sports:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Special Announcement

Mission Opportunity

Providing Oral Hygiene Kits for SWOSU medical mission to Panama

The Lutheran Campus Ministry and the three partner churches have been invited to help assemble oral hygiene kits to be distributed in Panama this Spring.

Dr. Nina Morris (Peace, Bessie) is a professor at the SWOSU College of Pharmacy. She and two other faculty members will be leading a group of pharmacy and nursing students on a medical mission trip in March.

As part of their trip, they will distribute as many oral hygiene kits as possible (hopefully at least 400 to 500).

This is a great opportunity for our faith partnership to work together with our campus ministry and the local community!

The Hygiene Packs should include:
  • Tube of toothpaste (smallish)
  • Toothbrush (adult or child size)
  • Dental Floss
  • Shampoo (small/travel size)
  • Lotion (small/travel size)
  • Nail clippers
  • Bar of Soap (small)
These will be put into a quart-sized Ziplock type baggie

Monday, January 13, 2014

Meet Our Partners

Doug Chain, 

Grace Lutheran Church

Doug Chain from Grace Lutheran Church was kind enough to help with this first installment of Meet Our Partners.  Doug is in his second year serving as Council President.

I hope you enjoy this opportunity to get to know Doug a little better.
Doug with his son, Luke


OK Doug, let's start with some easy ones.  What’s your favorite food?   
Chips and Salsa

And your favorite drink?  
Mountain Dew, though I don’t have it very often

What's your favorite movie? 
I like comic book movies.  My current favorite is The Avengers.

And color?  

Do you have a favorite song?  
That changes week-to-week.  Right now it’s when Luke sings “Jesus Loves Me!”

And how about a sport’s team?  Are you an OU or an OSU guy?  
OSU Cowboys.  Go Pokes!

How long have you been a member of Grace?  
Four and a half years

Where did you grow up?  
Oakwood, Oklahoma

What are some of your hobbies? 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

God's Watermark of Approval

Whenever we baptize someone the pastor always marks the sign of the cross on the person’s forehead and says, “Child of God, you’ve been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.”
This is God's watermark of approval.

In your baptism he named you and claimed you and made you his own forever. This mark mean he has forgiven all of your sins and opened up heaven to you.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Good Things Come in Tiny Packages

Any gift that is not given in love, is really no gift at all.  It doesn’t matter how big or how expensive it is.  The value of a gift is determined by the love that motivates it.  Any gift is precious when it’s given by someone who loves us and values us.

And so even though God's gift to us at Christmas came wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manger, it's value is immeasurable because the love that motivated it is immeasurable.