Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Meet Our Partners

Marty and Lisa Wandrie, 

Trinity Lutheran Church

This week we're meeting with Marty and Lisa Wandrie from Trinity Lutheran Church.
Please enjoy this opportunity to get to know the Wandries a little better.
The Wandrie Family

So let's start with some easy ones.  What are your favorite foods?   
Marty: Steak
Lisa: Mexican 

And your favorite drinks?  
Marty: Dr Pepper
Lisa: Diet Dr. Pepper

What movies do you each like? 
Marty: Tombstone
Lisa: Harry Potter Movies

Which is your favorite color?  
Marty: Maroon
Lisa: Red

Do each of you have a favorite song?  
Marty: "Ain't that a kick in the head" by Dean Martin
Lisa: "Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5

And how about a favorite sport’s team?  
Well, our Family is very sports oriented, so this is a long answer.
NFL: Chiefs
NBA: OKC Thunder
College Sports:
High School: Clinton Red Tornadoes
And any Basketball, Soccer, Football or Volleyball team our kids compete on

How long have you been members of Trinity?  
Marty: since birth (almost 43 years)
Lisa: since 2001 (12 years)

Where did each of you grow up?  
Marty: Clinton
Lisa: Cordell

What would you say is your greatest achievement in life up to now?
Making a happy and healthy life for our kids. Taking 2 little kids in and watching them grow into wonderful people. 

What are some of your hobbies? 
Marty: watching football and playing cards
Lisa: I enjoy reading, and hauling and cheering on our kids at their sporting events

How do you spend your days?  
Marty: I work for Hinz Refrigeration and run family business
Lisa: I work as an Cost Accountant for Bar-S. 

If you could do anything you wanted to do (job, travel, etc.) what would it be?  
Marty: I'd go on as many cruises as possible
Lisa: I'd go back to Disney World or a Disney Cruise

Tell me about your family. Go on, brag a little!  
We have been married for 13 years. We have 3 children. 
Nadia, 14, is an 8th grader at Clinton Middle School. She is active in Choir, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball and Student Council. 
Cesar, 13, is a 7th grader at Clinton Middle School. He is active in Football, Soccer, basketball and band. 
Our littlest one is Martin Carter, aka Carter. He is 2 years old. He goes to daycare at Creative Play. He is a very active little boy and loves going to sporting events.

What is the best church event you ever attended (e.g. potluck, worship, etc)?  
We love Bratfest at Trinity. Marty has been in charge of it for 12 years. 
Where was it and what made it so special? 
All our family gets to be involved. We love to get together with our community and help raise money for a scholarship for a Clinton HS senior.

Tell me about your fondest or most meaningful memory of an encounter you had with another Christian?  
Lisa: I had a Sunday school teacher at the Baptist Church I grew up in. Joyce Cook always had a smile and kind words for you and a hug. She was there for me up until I was a young adult. She was a shining example of God working through someone. 

What do you hope will come of the faith partnership between our three congregations?  
I would like to see us grow our Youth groups

Thanks Marty and Lisa!


Make sure to say hello to them the next time you see them, and tell him you read about him in Meet Our Partners! 

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