Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Meet Our Partners

Virgil and Veldean Cook, 

Grace Lutheran Church

This week we're meeting with Virgil and Veldean Cook from Grace Lutheran Church.
Please enjoy this opportunity to get to know the Cooks a little better.
Virgil & Veldean Cook

 What are your favorite foods?   

Virgil: Anything with fried onions.
Veldean: Baked potatoes - one can fix them so many different ways.

And your favorite drinks?  
Virgil: Sweet tea
Veldean: Fresh Squeezed Limeade

What movies do you each like? 
Virgil:  "The Best Years of Our Lives"
Veldean:  "Dr. Zhivago"

Which is your favorite color?  
Virgil: Green
Veldean: Turquoise

Do each of you have a favorite song?  
Virgil:  "I'll Be All Smiles Tonight"
Veldean: Old Country & Western songs.

And how about a favorite sport’s team?  
Virgil: Whichever grandchild's game I am attending.
Veldean: The team that one of our grandchildren is playing for.

It sounds like you two have a lot in common!

Veldean: Believe it or not, we answered these and all the questions separately.

How long have you been members of Grace?  
We're both Charter Members - 25 years.

Where did each of you grow up?  
Virgil: Western Oklahoma - Elk City
Veldean: Eastern Montana - Glendive

What are some of your hobbies? 
Virgil: Collector of many things - working on old houses.
Veldean: Knitting, crocheting, reading - helping work on old houses.

How do you spend your days?  
Virgil: Pacing the floor, waiting for warm weather - trying to stay out of Veldean's way.

Veldean: After doing household chores, feeding our two dogs, or working outside when the weather is nice - knitting or watching a classic movie.  You realize we have been retired over 10 years now.

If you could do anything you wanted to do (job, travel, etc.) what would it be?   
Virgil: To spend more time with my grandchildren. 
Veldean: Live closer to family.

If you could live one day of your life over again, which day would it be and why?
Virgil: There are many things in my life I could have done better, I prefer to look forward - not back. 
Veldean: One cannot relive , but one must look forward and learn from the past.

Tell me about your family. Go on, brag a little!  
Virgil: Growing up as an only child my hope was to have a large family - as we usually have 30 people at home on holidays I feel I was truly successful.

Veldean: My family consists of: 2 sons, 4 daughters, 9 grandsons, 7 granddaughters, 2 great grandsons, 5 great granddaughters. Mostly all of them come to celebrate Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We feel we have been blest.

What is the best church event you ever attended (e.g. potluck, worship, etc)?  
Where was it and what made it so special? 
Virgil: Many years ago in Montana at the church Veldean grew up in - seeing such a large church full of people - the family get together and meal to follow.

Veldean: On my 70th Birthday two and half years ago when most all of my family came to Grace Church to worship with us, the praying and singing of our family together was really special. My children prepared the meal and party afterward - with no help from me!!! It was indeed a special memory.

Tell me about your fondest or most meaningful memory of an encounter you had with another Christian?  
Virgil: Just talking and visiting with Pastor Saltzgiver - about his life experiences and how he handled them.

Veldean: Pastor Meischner, my pastor when we lived in Elk City was an excellent counselor, he was the minister who married us.

What do you hope will come of the faith partnership between our three congregations?  
Virgil: As we come to know the people and understand them we will become a more cohesive group.

Veldean: Hopefully we will be able to secure a pastor who will be enthusiastic about living, preaching, and being a part of our community of believers in Western Oklahoma.

What’s the one question I didn’t ask that you wish I had?
Virgil: Virgil, do you have time for a fried onion burger?
What’s your answer?
Virgil: Yes.

And Veldean, what’s the one question I didn’t ask that you wish I had?
Veldean: What do you like to do for entertainment?
What’s your answer?
Veldean: Dance at Cooperton.

I’ll be interviewing someone else like this next.  What is one question I should ask them?

Virgil: How am I, Pastor Spicer, doing?

Veldean: Who was or is  the most influential person in your life?

Thanks Virgil and Veldean!


Make sure to say hello to them the next time you see them, and tell him you read about him in Meet Our Partners! 

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