Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Meet Our Partners

Larry and Rudonna Goeringer, 

Peace Lutheran Church

This week we meet Larry and Rudonna (Ru) Goeringer from Peace Lutheran Church. I hope you enjoy this opportunity to get to know them better.

Larry & Rudonna


We always warm up with some easy ones, so what are you favorite foods?
Larry - coconut cream pie
Ru - my homemade lasagna for all the happy memories it brings

And drinks?
Larry - coffee               
Ru - Dr Pepper

Do you have a favorite movie?
We don't watch movies

How about a favorite color? 
Larry - blue       
Ru - green

What is your favorite song?
Larry - Closer Walk with Thee sung by Red Foley
Ru - Spirit of God, Descend upon my Heart

I'm sure I can guess the answer to this next one, but what's your favorite sports team?
New York Jets, of course!!!

How long have you been members of Peace?
Larry - lifelong member of Peace           
Ru - over 68 years

What are some of your hobbies?
Larry - crossword puzzles and watching ice hockey games
Ru - needlework, reading and jigsaw puzzles

Tell me about your family. Go on brag a little!
Our son, Scott, and his partner, Frazier, live in Maryland.  Scott works in quality management control and they have started their own company for him.  Our daughter, Michelle, and husband Rex live in New Jersey. Grandson Payton is in his junior year at Hood College in Maryland, and grandson Seth is a freshman at Clemson in SC

Tell me about the best church event you ever attended (e.g. picnic, potluck, worship, etc.)
Where was it and what made it so special?
We both agree it was Peace's 100th anniversary service -- so many friends and members from the past and wonderful singing. 

Tell me about your fondest or most meaningful memory of an encounter you had with another Christian/s (e.g. parent, child, Sunday school teacher, pastor, friend, etc.)?
Ru -- My infant niece, suffering spinal meningitis, required surgery to remove a kidney. Standing in the midst of our congregation was a moving a powerful experience I will never forget.

What do you hope will come of the faith partnership between our three congregations?
Larry- Enjoying a better familiarity and knowledge of the Grace congregation
Ru--Hope for a stronger sense of Lutheran community

If you could do anything you wanted to do (job, travel, etc.) what would it be?
Larry - I would love to travel ... in space
Ru - I would like to travel more, too, but here on earth!

What’s the one question I didn’t ask that you wish I had?
What’s your answer?
I can't think of anything except maybe ask about pets or other animals.  We no longer have a pet, but we dearly loved and spoiled all that we had.

Thanks Larry and Rudonna!  Make sure to tell the Goeringers hello the next time you see them, and let them know you read about them in Meet Our Partners!

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