Monday, March 3, 2014

A Successful Mission Project

Great Job Everyone!
The collection of oral hygiene kits proved to be a successful first mission project for our faith partnership.  
Trinity's catechism students helped assemble packets
Thanks to the combined efforts of your congregations and the SWOSU Lutheran Campus Ministry we assembled nearly 150 complete oral hygiene kits to be distributed in Panama this Spring. 

In addition to the complete kits there were enough left-over supplies and monetary donations to complete at least a couple dozen additional kits. 

Considering the average cost of the items per packet, this is quite a sizable contribution! You all deserve a lot of credit!

Assembling kits with the Lutheran Campus Ministry
More Info About the Trip:
Dr. Nina Morris (Peace, Bessie) is a professor at the SWOSU College of Pharmacy. She and two other faculty members will be leading a group of pharmacy and nursing students on a medical mission trip in March.

The medical mission trip will be done in conjunction with a group called Global Brigades Association. The college's affiliation with Global Brigades came about because of the new rural health initiative that has been started at the College of Pharmacy.

Mission Trip Participants
According to Nina Morris, the group will be led by "three pharmacy faculty (including me), one nursing faculty, and our daughter, Sarah Purdon, who is a registered nurse as a part of the local team."

The local coordinator, Dr Randy Curry, College of Pharmacy, says, “The students can expect to come away from the experience with a greater appreciation for the challenges in delivering health care in rural areas, along with a greater understanding of the value that they can bring to the work of a healthcare team."

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