Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Meet Our Partners

Lance & Danyal Walters, 

Trinity Lutheran Church

This week we meet Lance & Danyal Walters from Trinity Lutheran Church. I hope you enjoy this opportunity to get to know them better.

Devyn, Danyal, Lance, Delicity Walters

What’s your favorite food? 
Danyal: Steak and fried squash  
Lance: Mexican food

And your favorite drink? 
Danyal: Sweet tea
Lance: Sweet tea

Do you have a favorite movie? 
Danyal: All time favorite movies are Dirty Dancing and Little Mermaid
Lance: he nightmare before Christmas (I'm still a kid at heart)

What about your favorite color? 
Danyal: Red
Lance: Red

What are your favorite songs?
Danyal: I love to tell the story. This song was sang to me as a child and I sing it to my children. And I The Lord of sea and sky. This song says here I am lord send me! We are asking God to use us daily and this song is about being worthy for God and doing his work! I love both of these songs! 
Lance: "Where I come from" by Montgomery  Gentry

And how about your favorite sports teams?
Danyal: OSU and Thunder
Lance: Okc thunder!!!!  /////Thunder Up/////

How long have you been a member of Trinity? 
Danyal: Since birth 
Lance: 14 years what a blessing this community has been to me.

Tell me about your childhood.  Where did you grow up? brothers and sisters? schools? etc. 
Danyal: I am from Clinton I have a brother David dean. I also have a step brother Jamie and step sister Jaclyn. I graduated from Clinton high school in 2003. I currently am a student at SWOSU in the education dept. My degree will be in early childhood.

Lance:  I grew up in Cordell, Oklahoma where I attended and graduated from Cordell high school. I have one brother "Cody" who also lives in Cordell along with his wife "Ashley"; and my mother "Penny" & step-dad "Johnny", they also own a convenience store called Kwik-n-eze. Most of my family lives in or around Cordell. Iit's nice to have them all so close. I lived with my grandparents most of my childhood. Living in such a small community where everyone knew everyone was great.

What are some of your hobbies?
Danyal: I love to spend time with my family. I love to take photos and anything crafty. 

Lance: Spending time with my family and just enjoying each other's company. I love vehicles anything about them, but my passion is making them unique to the person they belong to, I do a lot of custom work for friends and family. I like to do tiling also, I guess because it can be artistic and a real stress relief.

How do you spend your days? 
Danyal: I have school everyday, then I am a part time secretary for Hinz refrigeration. My days are very full but God has blessed me with many opportunities. Every other Sunday I have the amazing task in serving as the "preacher" at Trinity.

Lance: Working mostly, and developing new relationships through my job as I get to meet new people almost everyday.

Tell me about your family. Go on, brag a little!
Danyal: I have an amazing husband that works very hard for his family. He is the rock I need daily to survive in this crazy world. We have two awesome girls Delicity and Devyn. They challenge us daily to know and learn more about God and life in general. We are truly blessed to have the support team we do from our two families and our church family. 

Lance: Well, first off I'm married to an amazing woman Danyal.  Some of you may know her, she fills in at trinity every other Sunday and delivers a sermon for us when Pr. Rob is at Grace and Peace. She is also a full time mother, student and a part time secretary for Hinz refrigeration.  We have two awesome little girls. Delicity is 8 years old and absolutely loves school, reading and soccer, and of course watching tv. She is in the 3rd grade. And then there's Devyn. She is six years old and also loves school, soccer, and once again tv. She is in kindergarten. They're 2 pretty amazing little girls but of course I am a little biased ... aren't we allowed to be as parents!! And I work for Hinz refrigeration as an install/ service tech. I have lived in Clinton for the last 14 years it's a great community, we attend Trinity Lutheran where we give God all the thanks and praise!!!!!

You two certainly have a lot to be proud of! If you could live one day of your life over again, which day would it be and why?
Danyal: It will be a day in the future. My grandparents have raised me and they have always been my world and my rock. My one day will be after they have went home to Jesus I want one more day to spend with them. 

Lance: The day before my father passed away, so I could have been there to tell him I love him and goodbye, just to spend one more day with him.

What is the best church event you ever attended (e.g. picnic, potluck, worship, etc)?  
Where was it and what made it so special?
Danyal: Bratfest at Trinity. We are being the church to the community. We come together as a group of individuals that form into a single unit showing God's love through everything we do! It's so much fun and very rewarding! 

Lance:   I would have to say our Bratfest!!!  Being able to serve others is such a great feeling I love having the ability to do it!!!!!

Tell me about your fondest or most meaningful memory of an encounter you had with another Christian/s (e.g. parent, child, Sunday school teacher, pastor, friend, etc.)?
Danyal: Mine would be each Via de Cristo weekend I have the opportunity to serve at. It's so amazing to see God's direct hand throughout the entire weekend. This is another community that comes together to hold each other up in prayer and joys with lots of laughter and fun! We have so much fun worshiping our God together. We start as strangers and end the weekend as a big family. 

Lance:  I would have to say it was at  my Via de Cristo weekend I attended. I sat at a table with a woman named jean Jackson she was 81 years old and was a cancer survivor. She saw through all the ink, piercings, and the different colored spiked hair I had at the time. She just saw me for me without judgement I was 24 at the time and lost, but that weekend I felt so much love from people that did not even know me it was a little overwhelming. She had a cross that she was given many years before, the morning she went to have surgery to remove the cancer she said when she woke up in recovery there it was this cross clinched in her hands she didn't know where it came from but she said it helped her during her recovery, and she insisted I have it for my journey through life. She has now passed but the cross hangs in my truck and has for 10 years I feel that her and God are watching over me, to me that was the most random act of kindness one could receive!!!!!

For more information about Via de Cristo, click here

What do you hope will come of the faith partnership between our three congregations?
Danyal: I want us to be able to bring people to God and show this world we are strong in God and we will conquer all of his tasks together! 

Lance: I hope we can continue to weave our churches together and learn more about each other, and I hope we can get a joint youth group that would be awesome for the young ones in the congregations.

If you could do anything you wanted to do (job, travel, etc.) what would it be? 
Danyal: I would like to see our world in peace together. Not against one another but together. I feel like sometimes what we do as Christians isn't working but I have to step back and see that God has such a bigger picture than what I see. We are to follow him and he will do the rest. We are making a difference one person at a time! 

Lance:  I would love to take my family and just travel the world and see all the amazing scenery God gave us; you know "the water colored painted skies" as Jason Aldean sings about!!!

What's your favorite bible passage?
Danyal: John 3:16 through this verse I know that I am worthy to be his child! He have up his child for all of us! We are his worthy children! 

Lance: Philippians 4:13 " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

What’s the one question I didn’t ask that you wish I had? What is your closest moment with God
What’s your answer?
Danyal: What is your closest moment with God? 
What’s your answer?
My closest moment's when I encounter God is when I am preparing a sermon. This might sound crazy but he takes over and uses me as the instrument to write his words. Other moments are through Via de Cristo where I know his hand has been at work through a job or people. It's so amazing! God is awesome! 

Lance: "What does the bible passage you chose mean to you"?   
What’s your answer?
The bible passage I chose just reassures me everyday that with Christ in your heart you can be what and who you want to be, but Christ should be our center when seeking out our identities, don't lose sight of this and remember God gave us the talents and knowledge to spread his word to the world!!!!!

Thanks Lance & Danyal!  Make sure to tell the Walters hello the next time you see them, and let them know you read about them in Meet Our Partners!

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